I am not the kind of person who generally gets sick a lot or is afflicted with any thing really ever. I usually will get a cold or sometimes a flu maybe once a year and it generally lasts a day or two and I am back to my old self. However that has not been the case this year. It seems I have been plagued with sickness upon sickness and as soon as I can re cooperate from one thing something else comes up. So I have to ask in my mind WHY???? Well to tell you the truth I really don't know why. Maybe the Lord is trying to teach me something?
I have felt blessed that the brethren have shown care to call and check on me and even come over and pray for me. It helps that relationship and bond we have with one another to grow when the brethren take the time to come pray for you. My family has been good to take care of the things around the house. The girls have been cooking meals and trying to keep the house neat and all the dishes done. Sean has also been sweet, he has made several trips to the store for me and even has warmed up soup for me. Sometimes I feel that my job as a wife and a mother and sometimes a sister in the faith is taken for granted, I feel that things are just expected of me and sometimes even demanded of me just because I am all those things. Being sick has showed me that I am loved and appreciated, and my family and brethren do care for me. It has been a good reminder. So although I am ready for this season of sickness to pass. I feel I have been taught some lessons through it all.